

  1. Jecvay19 Nov 2019 @ 07:38

    Windows 10 Pro 1909
    UNi Xonar STXII 11.5 v1.80b r3
    Works well
    can you make microphone boost more powerful (add something like 300% / 500% / 1000% switch) ?
    even I use 100% mic vol & enable boost,
    the mic is too small.


    • Jecvay19 Nov 2019 @ 07:47

      or can you give something like script to modify mic's boost percent (or DB value) ?


      • CarvedInside21 Nov 2019 @ 01:48

        I presume you've found the "Increase microphone volume by 3 dB tweak". That was all I could do. This comment of mine might be useful to you.


  2. Vanderval02 Dec 2019 @ 22:21

    windows 10 pro 1909
    UNi Xonar STXII 11.5 v1.80b r3 7.1
    extremely quite and crackly, guess im back to onboard =/


    • CarvedInside02 Dec 2019 @ 23:30

      Have you reinstalled the UNI Xonar drivers after the update? The issues started right after the update to version 1909?


  3. Marco04 Dec 2019 @ 15:16

    Hey there, everything is working fine here on : Windows 10 pro 18362 with Xonar DX and your latest drivers with no dpc latency config..
    Now i've just bought a 7.1 headset (Razer tiamat), and was tryng out the 7.1 sound quality of the card (this is not dolby surround, but real 7.1), there is some reverb with the official drivers, but none with your latest one, which driver do you suggest me to utilize with 7.1 setups? Which settings for blu-rays playback?


    • CarvedInside04 Dec 2019 @ 23:52

      Don't think the driver version matters in your case. You should be fine with v1.80a or v1.75a.
      Depending on which type of Blu-ray media do you have, I most of them have the audio sample rate at 48kHz, there might be some that have it at 96kHz or maybe even 192kHz. For more settings and how to properly set the sample rate check the Xonar best settings guide.


      • Marco06 Dec 2019 @ 13:04

        1.81 is not suggested for its audio quality or stability? Because i didn't find issues so far, thanks for the reply !


        • CarvedInside07 Dec 2019 @ 00:56

          I mostly don't recommend v1.81a because the problems with stability as I have noted in the release notes under "Known issues" and "Possible issues". If it works fine for you then keep them, just keep in mind that it might be wise to uninstall them when updating Windows 10 to a new version.


  4. Realott07 Dec 2019 @ 23:14

    Frist of all, thank you very much for those drivers. I have Xonar D1 and had lots of problems with Windows 10 until I found your drivers!
    I am going to update my PC now with Asus motherboard X470-F or X570 Plus. These boards are not officcialy supported for Xonar D1 but what do you think should I give it a try?


    • CarvedInside08 Dec 2019 @ 22:54

      If you have the Xonar D1 and not the DX, know that it's a PCI card. Those motherboards have only PCIe slots so you won't be able to plug in the D1 card. Regardless of this problem, I would personally not recommend either of those motherboards.
      For free advice this is as far as I am willing to go, if you've previously sent me a donation please let me know by e-mail.


  5. akulp10 Dec 2019 @ 14:58

    Windows 10 (17134)
    Xonar DXG
    Logitech Z506

    Any Idea why after some time (I cant specify period) my speakers/soundcard goes to "sleep mode" and I have to start music/video for few seconds or just increase volume, to hear the sound from any application/browser/any music source again?

    Compueter doesn't go to sleep, HDD is always on ...

    Thank you for help.

    LE: Exactly similar problem. It's maybe not related to Soundcard, but still, maybe someone have a solution ...


  6. Liquidayanami10 Dec 2019 @ 22:25

    Windows 10 (last build)
    Xonar HDAV
    UNi Xonar 1816/1823 v1.80a r3

    Have a problem, i can't use my headphones from the back pannels, just the front docks. It's a BIOS configuration? (Have MSI gaming b350) or is it a Hardware problem, i mean, maybe the wire that connect back pannel docks aren't connected to the card? Oh yeah, cant use the front pannel, just got broke yesterday so can't hear anything 🙁



    • CarvedInside12 Dec 2019 @ 01:48

      Consult the HDAV manual to check if you've connected the headphones to the right card connectors and check if you've activated the back connection properly in ASUS Audio Center.


  7. JB11 Dec 2019 @ 22:30

    Hi folks,

    I'm using the UNi Xonar 1816/1823 v1.80a r3 drivers for my Xonar STX II having discovered them for the first time tonight.

    I'm running Windows 10 Pro 1909 and if I install with the default Asus panel selected, the Asus control panel installs but nothing I can do will get it to load or work. If I reinstall using the c-media panel, this one works fine but I'd prefer to use the Asus one.

    I did previously install the UNi Xonar 1816/1821 v1.71.1 drivers as I was experiencing the BSOD issue when using the official Asus Win 10 drivers and although this installed a working Asus control panel, nothing I could do would produce any sound from any output.

    Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations?


    • CarvedInside12 Dec 2019 @ 02:10

      As I described in the release notes of v1.80a drivers, for STX II cards you need to download this patched version and copy paste it over "C:\Program Files\UNi Xonar Audio\Customapp\".


  8. TRAVIS23 Dec 2019 @ 07:03

    Thanks for your efforts.

    Is there anyway of making the C-Media Panel detect if the system input is 2 channel or 6 channel and adjust automatically?
    This could allow 6 channel audio to pass-through untouched, but when a 2 channel audio signal is played it would automatically upmix.


    • CarvedInside24 Dec 2019 @ 00:28

      Thank you as well for the donation. I edited your username as I think it's better not to show your full name.

      Now to your question. That is not possible within the Xonar drivers. I think you can do it with Equalizer APO. Follow the steps in the FAQ Q&A 4 B, but at step 5 replace the text with this instead:
      Stage: pre-mix
      # do upmixing
      If: inputChannelCount == 2
      Copy: MIX=0.5*L+0.5*R C=MIX RC=MIX SUB=MIX RL=L RR=R SL=L SR=R

      Let me know if it worked.


      • TRAVIS25 Dec 2019 @ 05:22

        Yes it worked! Thank you! Thanks also for editing my name. It works on all system sounds except Chrome which forces 6 channels even when there is only 2 (Using Microsoft Edge instead now). I've tested it on Media Player Classic with some distinctive 5.1 channel videos and then stereo videos immediately after, EqualiserAPO detects the channels and switches between upmixing or not flawlessly.

        I tailored this to suit my setup:

        Stage: pre-mix
        If: inputChannelCount == 2
        Copy: C=0.5*L+0.5*R LFE=0.5*L+0.5*R SL=-0.5*R+0.5*L SR=-0.5*L+0.5*R


        • TRAVIS26 Dec 2019 @ 03:46

          Adding " --try-supported-channel-layouts" to the Target path of my Chrome shortcut allowed EqualiserAPO to work with Chrome on my Windows 10 HTPC setup.
          I now have a 5.1 upmix on all audio that is not already in 5.1.


        • CarvedInside26 Dec 2019 @ 03:51

          You're welcome. I'm glad to hear it worked.
          If you are interested in a Chromium based browser you should take a look at Cent Browser. In my opinion, it's the best implementation of Chromium there is. In Chrome, most of the advanced settings are hidden under chrome://flags/ page and as command-line switches, but unfortunately, with time some of them are removed. In Cent Browser, they may still be available, so you may find an option to disable Chrome's behavior to force output to 6 channels.

          A list with some of the available Chrome/Chromium command-line switches you can find here. You can add them to the shortcut Targer field or in Cent Browser you can also add them in Settings-> "Startup command line".
          Some of those you should try are: --audio-output-channels 2


          • Case26 Dec 2019 @ 17:50

            The best "Chromium" implementation is obviously Vivaldi 😉 - https://vivaldi.com/

            (Sorry, but I had to. It's the best browser since the original Opera.)


            • CarvedInside27 Dec 2019 @ 04:36

              Knew that comment would get me in trouble.:) Loved the original Opera browser, shame all that is gone. While Vivaldi has many nice features, I'm disappointed with it. For example, when Chromium removed the setting to disable Direct Write, Vivaldi removed it as well and when asked to bring it back they claimed they don't have enough manpower (I see you posted in that thread), anyway the option works fine even in the latest Cent Browser and they have a much smaller dev team. Another thing I didn't like about Vivaldi is that on my Core 2 Duo PC the interface was really sluggish, a thing that didn't happen with any other browser I tried.


  9. Serge Boivin23 Dec 2019 @ 17:39

    For Essence STX II 7.1 and Windows 10 1909 which driver you advise me ?


    • CarvedInside24 Dec 2019 @ 00:29

      I think v1.80b should be fine. If you have any problems, you can try v1.80a and v1.81a.


  10. Brian29 Dec 2019 @ 18:20

    What is the best driver to start with for a new Xonar D2X owner? Should I consider the Asus beta driver?

    I'm on Win10 1903. The card is going on my MSI Z97M-G43 in the PCIe 2.0 x16 (supports x4 speed). Intel i7-5775c processor and DDR3 RAM. Not sure what other info I should give.


  11. Josh01 Jan 2020 @ 04:56

    Essence STX II + Win10 Pro 1909 (fresh install)
    Software installs fine (seemingly) yet the audio channel is by default blank when launching the audio center (not used to this in the past... it has always defaulted to 2 channel). Changing this to any setting from 2-8 channel crashes the software.
    Changing the output to any setting also crashes the software. I have tried multiple revisions from v1.75 through v1.81
    System recognizes the card, software, and that audio is playing, but I cannot hear the sound nor change outputs to find which output is producing the audio.
    Any thoughts?


  12. Felicity11 Jan 2020 @ 15:48

    Been using this ever since I learned about DPC Latency and went down that rabbit hole, thank you so much for this amazing wealth of knowledge. Audio is one thing I have no idea how to optimize and it was one of the last things I really tried to make work, especially once I noticed the original DGX drivers being naughty.

    Very pleased I went for a sound card so many years ago, I love it. Every time I try to go back to onboard sound it just sounds shallow.

    I used my card to output audio through an HDMI cable via the into a second PC's capture card so that I could stream and it worked wonderfully easy. I used the 'wave' recording device to have it listen to itself and then send that audio over. Kind of a janky way to do it but I wasn't about to go buy more audio equipment or mess with banana mixers too much.. they always confuse me.

    No questions or criticisms in this comment, just thanks 🙂


  13. deetyne13 Jan 2020 @ 02:42

    Whats the difference between asio and .12 any sonic difference?


  14. Brian15 Jan 2020 @ 07:13

    How does the HDAV 1.3 work with the unified drivers? Does it still work well or should I avoid buying one?
    Like, does using a game console over HDMI in to computer work properly with the HDCP protections? Drivers work as well as on other Asus cards and everything?

    What of the card destroying equipment? https://www.avforums.com/threads/beware-asus-xonar-hdav-1-3-killed-my-av.1538258/


  15. benvader081515 Jan 2020 @ 20:28

    Hello carvedinside,
    my STX II 7.1 works perfect with my Asus Prime B450-Plus (Bios V2008) Plus with R5 3600, Window 10 Pro Build 1903 and your Driver 1.80b R3. I tried different PCI-Slots (PCIEX1_3, PCIE1_2 and 16_2) - no problems nor BSOD.
    I had some trouble with buzzing/noise . My Graphic Card (Zotac RTX 2080 Super) was causing the noise when it had to operate a lot (madVR with tonemapping or gaming). A rca noise isolator was my solution for nice sound and EQ'ing with EqualizerAPO/Peace.


    • CarvedInside16 Jan 2020 @ 21:54

      Hello. First, I really appreciate the donation.

      Thank you for the info. Regarding the AMD Ryzen motherboard compatibility, I've made another comment on your behalf on the "ASUS Xonar cards and AMD Ryzen AM4 motherboards" page so most info is under the same page.

      Regarding the buzzing, I'm not familiar with RCA noise isolators, I'm thinking it might also lower the sound quality (#1, #2).
      Generally you should have the sound card as further away from the GPU as possible. Have the PC connected to a grounded electrical outlet. You could also make an EMI shield, in your case, only for the back of your sound card (#1, #2). Let me know if you decide to try these suggestions and what are the results.



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